
Ideas for Action


The Community Health Needs Assessment serves as a major resource for setting the priority areas. Also, contributing to the planning is the discussion with other community partners on community needs. Feedback from several coalitions was also considered important because often it was from people working directly with a certain population. Resources from other organizations or coalitions were reviewed to prevent duplication of services and enhance resources. Other organizations resources were also reviewed to ensure identified needs were met. Lastly, a review of past year community outreach activities also contributed to planning. Information was then presented to Executive Leadership for review and discussion on August 9, 2017. The information was presented to the Hospital Board and final priority approval on August 23, 2017. Below are the final priorities for the implementation plan.

  1. Promote Population Health and Wellness

  2. Improve Access to Appropriate Health Care and Service

  3. Chronic Disease Management

  4. Vulnerable Populations